S02E17 Stories at Work – Nitin Paranjpe – Mentoring 101
If I had to name 3 inspirational leaders I have worked with, the two people in this story Nitin Paranjpe, and Harish
If I had to name 3 inspirational leaders I have worked with, the two people in this story Nitin Paranjpe, and Harish
People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic – Seth Godin.
In the movie “Yes Man”, the character of Jim Carrey plays says “yes” every time someone asks him if he wants
These two sentences embedded in me a belief that I carry even today – culture is created and
We have all seen individuals who have succeed in everything till the narrow top of the organisational pyramid
This story from Prakash Iyer (as all of you know is one of my favourite business storytellers) shares this story about one
If I had to name 3 inspirational leaders I have worked with, the two people in this story Nitin Paranjpe, and Harish
People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic – Seth Godin.
In the movie “Yes Man”, the character of Jim Carrey plays says “yes” every time someone asks him if he wants
These two sentences embedded in me a belief that I carry even today – culture is created and
We have all seen individuals who have succeed in everything till the narrow top of the organisational pyramid
This story from Prakash Iyer (as all of you know is one of my favourite business storytellers) shares this story about one
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