Sept 2016 : Storytelling for Leaders Workshop Colgate Pamolive Asian Leadership Program, Shanghai


What did you like most about the workshop ? Why ?

# Very relevant to work. Applicable immediately; I liked the videos and the reference material. The content and facilitation technique was engaging. Lots of examples for understanding and inspiration. The last 2 sections are a bit more theoretical.

# Relevant to real life situation. It helps to link easily. Very helpful for the way IC relate the story.

# Practice during the workshop so we know how to improve. Technique on how to make trigger storytelling.

# Developed my understanding on concepts of storytelling. real life examples were good help.Great experience !! Looking forward to apply the concepts. Good course to start with.

# The tools and practicing of the content. Next 24 weeks followup through email platform.

# The entire concept is very unique. I like the structure of the model which can be used as a framework.This has made me more confident and now I have a structure to follow.


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