Aug 2015 : Storytelling for Leaders Program Colgate Pamlolive, Shanghai
Which session and exercise you felt was particularly useful ? # Story telling logic and framework. Using story telling to make the touch point outstanding # Structural clarity in presentation # Connecting the story where one has to tell their story was quite good. # The video and the clarify story part are helpful
June 2015 : Storytelling for Leaders Program, Senior Leaders Team, Philips, Gurgaon
What did you like most about the workshop ? # Importance of Storytelling, and the impact of the same # Well spaced and the presenter kept alive the group # Applicability. Easy to grasp & how it can impact my life. # Provided the method of story and practical # Use of practical exercises. […]
Apr 2015 : Storytelling for Leaders Program, Senior Leadership Team, Infosys BPO, Bangalore
What did you like most about the workshop ? # Simplicity of presentation and communication. # Refresher. (Conscious) of already practicing behaviour. # The different methodology influence story, connection story, etc # Structure of different types of stories, helps get a good mental model. # Very practical and can be converted to practice. # […]
Feb 2015 : Storytelling for Leaders Public Program, (Open Nomination ), Mumbai
What did you like most about the workshop ? # I liked the concept. Its a powerful tool if used well. # Well rounded context, very relevant to my daily work. # The way the workshop was crafted and delivered. Exceptional and Engaging. # Spending time crafting our own story. 1st hand practice. Story […]
Jan 2015 : Storytelling for Leaders Workshop Mahindra and Mahindra
What did you like most about the workshop ? # The program was participative & connected everybody to the theme of the program # Emotional connect in all of the activity / story put life into it. # Connection stories – connected leader is need of the hour # How business storytelling can influence […]
Dec 2014 : Storytelling for Leaders Workshop Mindshare Vietnam
What did you like most about the workshop ? # Fruitful information & very well prepared documents # Guidelines to spot an oral story. It is practical and applicable to improve business skills. # The Cynefin framework about problems, because it helps me understand the problem & how to deal with it effectively. # […]
November 2014: Storytelling Workshop for Leaders , Tata Power
What did you like most about the workshop ? Relevance. It is connected to the work I do, day in and day out. It is about creating influence & been noticed out and think that makes the difference. Changed my perception about storytelling and listening. The program structure was designed to reflect on our own […]
July 2014: Storytelling for Leaders Program, Mindshare Indonesia, Jakarta
What did you like most about the workshop ? The application of thee skills are very easy to apply in work. Triggered personal stories i can use for business. Most of the points were narrated through a story which was relevant and was not “Gyan” Lots of exercise and simple to make me […]
May 2014 : Storytelling Workshop for Public, Open Nomination, Mumbai
What did you like most about the workshop ? It was practical & very relevant. Thanks just what I needed at this point. Highly engaging and structured – great examples, specially the videos, well delivered Facilitation – it was insightful and hard hitting There were so many stories & we tend to get drawn to […]
Apr 2014 : Storytelling for Leaders Program HCL, Noida
What did you like most about the workshop ? Why ? # Gives a good technique to communicate complex aspects to stakeholders like management, clients, teams etc # New concept and new ways of engaging with customers and individuals + Better communications # Workshop was interactive between the participants and the facilitator. # It is […]