E103 – The Milkshake Story

Harvard University Prof. Theodore Levitt famously said, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!”. Does your team know what…

E102 – Half Now, Half Later

Sometimes it is the second half that truly matters. Ever seen your team allow a half-finished project gather dust? Or have you ever started a diet, only to give up…

E101 – Dream Big Start Small

Ever wondered what it takes to make a dream come true? What would you do if faced with the dilemma of selling out for a quick profit or sticking to your vision,,,

E100 – Hold on to your dreams

Imagine being on the brink of achieving your lifelong dream, only to face the ultimate test of your resolve. Our 100th episode in the Story Bank brings you…

E99 – Why does Messi walk?

Commenting on the 90 mins football players spend on the pitch during a game, the famous Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff once said, “It is statistically proven…

E98 – Tackling Misinformation

Have you ever been in a situation where you have tried very hard to share facts to correct misinformation and been frustrated with the outcome? Why…

E96 – Pause and decide

Like most other people who had a successful education and a successful start to a career, I was always brimming with confidence. While that is a very useful state of mind in many situations…