E95 – Bruce Springsteen – Cognitive Reframing

It was May 2nd, 1972. A 22 year-old struggling musician called Bruce Springsteen is on his way to the office of a very famous producer. He was very nervous as…
E94 – Machiavelli and my boss

In the late 90’s a professor at Berkeley did an interesting experiment. He got together a group of people with the same background, level of education…
E93 – Is it just luck?

What is common between Thomas Edison and Micheal Jordan? Here is what each of them has said about their success. Thomas Edison, the inventor most renowned for his invention…
E92 – Diffusion of Innovation

It was the second half of 1992. I was a student of the finishing school of sales and marketing funded by soaps and detergents – otherwise called Unilever…
E91 – Do it for the Sake of it

A few days after losing, Novak Djokovic told his coach, Marián Vajda, that he decided to quit playing tennis. To know what happened next, listen…
E90 – Panenka and the action bias

Have situations like these ever happened to you? (A) You land up at a doctor’s clinic with atypical symptoms that do not immediately threaten your health. The…
E89 – SUBTRACT In a World of Addition Bias

Let’s say you are a marketing manager with a portfolio of 15 brands across three categories. Revenues are under pressure. You are thinking of what…
E88 – The Diderot effect – Why we want things we don’t need

Has something like this ever happened to you?
You bought something. Say a new car.
And then…
E87 – Mitigated Speech, Power Distance Index (PDI) and an Air Crash

Imagine you are the first officer in the cockpit of a flight. The ATC has been highlighting some storm clouds…
E86 – Own Backyard

Let’s imagine you are in an unfortunate situation where there is a medical emergency. Someone in the family needs help. You have never faced this situation earlier.